Angela Colleen Tooker

2007 Electrical Engineering California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
"Angela Tooker"
Mean distance: 15.56 (cluster 6)


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Jerome Pine grad student 2007 Caltech
 (Development of Biocompatible Parylene Neurocages for Action Potential Stimulation and Recording.)
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Lam D, Enright HA, Cadena J, et al. (2023) Corrigendum: Spatiotemporal analysis of 3D human iPSC-derived neural networks using a 3D multi-electrode array. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 17: 1340688
Soscia DA, Lam D, Tooker AC, et al. (2020) A flexible 3-dimensional microelectrode array for in vitro brain models. Lab On a Chip
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Ivanovskaya AN, Belle AM, Yorita AM, et al. (2018) Electrochemical Roughening of Thin-Film Platinum for Neural Probe Arrays and Biosensing Applications Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 165: G3125-G3132
Chung JE, Magland JF, Barnett AH, et al. (2017) A Fully Automated Approach to Spike Sorting. Neuron. 95: 1381-1394.e6
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