Jenne M. Westberry

2003 Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
"Jenne Westberry"
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Michael Meredith grad student 2003 Florida State
 (Categorization of pheromonal chemosignals by medial amygdala.)
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Trout AL, McLouth CJ, Westberry JM, et al. (2024) Estrogen's sex-specific effects on ischemic cell death and estrogen receptor mRNA expression in rat cortical organotypic explants. Aging Brain. 5: 100117
Westberry JM, Meredith M. (2016) Characteristic Response to Chemosensory Signals in GABAergic Cells of Medial Amygdala Is Not Driven by Main Olfactory Input. Chemical Senses
Westberry JM, Meredith M. (2016) GABAergic Mechanisms Contributing to Categorical Amygdala Responses to Chemosensory Signals. Neuroscience
Westberry JM, Wilson ME. (2012) Regulation of estrogen receptor alpha gene expression in the mouse prefrontal cortex during early postnatal development. Neurogenetics. 13: 159-67
Westberry JM, Trout AL, Wilson ME. (2011) Epigenetic regulation of estrogen receptor beta expression in the rat cortex during aging. Neuroreport. 22: 428-32
Wilson ME, Westberry JM, Trout AL. (2011) Estrogen receptor-alpha gene expression in the cortex: sex differences during development and in adulthood. Hormones and Behavior. 59: 353-7
Westberry JM, Trout AL, Wilson ME. (2010) Epigenetic regulation of estrogen receptor alpha gene expression in the mouse cortex during early postnatal development. Endocrinology. 151: 731-40
Wilson ME, Westberry JM. (2009) Regulation of oestrogen receptor gene expression: new insights and novel mechanisms. Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 21: 238-42
Wilson ME, Westberry JM, Prewitt AK. (2008) Dynamic regulation of estrogen receptor-alpha gene expression in the brain: a role for promoter methylation? Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology. 29: 375-85
Westberry JM, Prewitt AK, Wilson ME. (2008) Epigenetic regulation of the estrogen receptor alpha promoter in the cerebral cortex following ischemia in male and female rats. Neuroscience. 152: 982-9
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