Madhura Chakrabarti, Ph.D.

Psychology Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
"Madhura Chakrabarti"
Mean distance: 25.68 (cluster 54)


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Boris B. Baltes grad student 2011 Wayne State
 (Work-family boundary management strategies: Examining outcomes, and the role of fit.)
BETA: Related publications


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Nieminen LRG, Nicklin JM, McClure TK, et al. (2011) Meta-analytic Decisions and Reliability: A Serendipitous Case of Three Independent Telecommuting Meta-analyses Journal of Business and Psychology. 26: 105-121
Brooks ME, Guidroz AM, Chakrabarti M. (2009) Distinction bias in applicant reactions to using diversity information in selection International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 17: 377-390
Baltes BB, Clark MA, Chakrabarti M. (2009) Work-Life Balance: The Roles of Work-Family Conflict and Work-Family Facilitation Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology and Work
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