Julia A. Haviland, Ph.D.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
"Julia Haviland"
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Warren Paul Porter grad student 2011 UW Madison
 (Selective isotope assisted labeling strategies: How breath and blood indicate metabolic shifts in toxicant induced disease.)
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Selen ES, Bolandnazar Z, Tonelli M, et al. (2015) NMR Metabolomics Show Evidence for Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in a Mouse Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Journal of Proteome Research. 14: 3284-91
Haviland JA, Reiland H, Butz DE, et al. (2013) NMR-based metabolomics and breath studies show lipid and protein catabolism during low dose chronic T(1)AM treatment. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.). 21: 2538-44
Haviland JA, Tonelli M, Haughey DT, et al. (2012) Novel diagnostics of metabolic dysfunction detected in breath and plasma by selective isotope-assisted labeling. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 61: 1162-70
Haviland JA, Butz DE, Porter WP. (2010) Long-term sex selective hormonal and behavior alterations in mice exposed to low doses of chlorpyrifos in utero. Reproductive Toxicology (Elmsford, N.Y.). 29: 74-9
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