Lynn M. Almli, Ph.D.

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.
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Michael J. Ryan grad student 2009 UT Austin
 (Social modulation of adult brain cell proliferation: Influence of sex and gonadal hormones.)
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Almli LM, Wilczynski W. (2012) Socially modulated cell proliferation is independent of gonadal steroid hormones in the brain of the adult green treefrog (Hyla cinerea). Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 79: 170-80
Almli LM, Wilczynski W. (2009) Sex-specific modulation of cell proliferation by socially relevant stimuli in the adult green treefrog brain (Hyla cinerea). Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 74: 143-54
Almli LM, Wilczynski W. (2008) Corrigendum to "Regional distribution and migration of proliferating cell populations in the adult brain of Hyla cinerea (Anura, Amphibia)" [Brain Res. 1159 (2007) 112{box drawings light horizontal}118] (DOI:10.1016/j.brainres.2007.05.020) Brain Research. 1203: 197
Almli LM, Wilczynski W. (2007) Regional distribution and migration of proliferating cell populations in the adult brain of Hyla cinerea (Anura, Amphibia). Brain Research. 1159: 112-8
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