Bradley M. Arsznov, Ph.D.

Psychology Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 
Motor Systems Neuroscience
"Bradley Arsznov"
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Sharleen T. Sakai grad student 2012 Michigan State
 (Form, fit, and function: Behavioral specializations and brain variations in selected carnivore species.)
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Sakai ST, Whitt B, Arsznov BM, et al. (2018) Endocranial Development in the Coyote (Canis latrans) and Gray Wolf (Canis lupus): A Computed Tomographic Study. Brain, Behavior and Evolution
Sakai ST, Arsznov BM, Hristova AE, et al. (2016) Big Cat Coalitions: A Comparative Analysis of Regional Brain Volumes in Felidae. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 10: 99
Arsznov BM, Sakai ST. (2013) The procyonid social club: comparison of brain volumes in the coatimundi (Nasua nasua, N. narica), kinkajou (Potos flavus), and raccoon (Procyon lotor). Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 82: 129-45
Arsznov BM, Sakai ST. (2012) Pride diaries: sex, brain size and sociality in the African lion (Panthera leo) and cougar (Puma concolor). Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 79: 275-89
Swanson EM, Holekamp KE, Lundrigan BL, et al. (2012) Multiple determinants of whole and regional brain volume among terrestrial carnivorans. Plos One. 7: e38447
Arsznov BM, Sakai ST, Hardman CD, et al. (2012) Contents Vol. 79, 2012 Brain Behavior and Evolution. 79
Sakai ST, Arsznov BM, Lundrigan BL, et al. (2011) Virtual endocasts: an application of computed tomography in the study of brain variation among hyenas. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1225: E160-70
Sakai ST, Arsznov BM, Lundrigan BL, et al. (2011) Brain size and social complexity: a computed tomography study in Hyaenidae. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 77: 91-104
Arsznov BM, Lundrigan BL, Holekamp KE, et al. (2010) Sex and the frontal cortex: A developmental CT study in the spotted hyena. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 76: 185-97
Sakai ST, Ullmann JFP, Cowin G, et al. (2010) Contents Vol. 76, 2010 Brain Behavior and Evolution. 76
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