Kyriakos Manousakis, Ph.D.

University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
control systems
"Kyriakos Manousakis"


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John S. Baras grad student 2005 University of Maryland
 (Network and domain autoconfiguration: A unified framework for large mobile ad hoc networks.)
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Paraskevas E, Manousakis K, Das S, et al. (2014) Multi-metric energy efficient routing in mobile ad-hoc networks Proceedings - Ieee Military Communications Conference Milcom. 1146-1151
Younis O, Kant L, Young K, et al. (2013) Automated design algorithms for tactical wireless networks Ad Hoc Networks. 11: 2461-2469
Manousakis K, Ellinas G. (2013) Design of attack-aware WDM networks using a meta-heuristic algorithm Ifip Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 412: 677-686
Striki M, Manousakis K, Kindred D, et al. (2009) Quantifying resiliency and detection latency of intrusion detection structures Maria Striki Kyriakos Manousakis Proceedings - Ieee Military Communications Conference Milcom
Striki M, Manousakis K, Baras JS. (2009) New algorithm for the design of topology aware hypercube in multi-hop ad hoc networks Proceedings of the 8th International Conference On Networks, Icn 2009. 236-244
Striki M, Baras JS, Manousakis K. (2008) New algorithms for the efficient design of topology-oriented key agreement protocols in multi-hop ad hoc networks Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium On Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Wiopt 2008. 384-393
Kant L, Young K, Younis O, et al. (2008) Network science based approaches to design and analyze MANETs for military applications Ieee Communications Magazine. 46: 55-61
Striki M, Baras JS, Manousakis K. (2008) Fault-tolerant extension of hypercube for secure and reliable group communications Proceedings - 7th International Conference On Networking, Icn 2008. 223-231
Christodoulopoulos K, Manousakis K, Varvarigos E. (2008) Comparison of routing and wavelength assignment algorithms in WDM networks Globecom - Ieee Global Telecommunications Conference. 2658-2663
McAuley A, Manousakis K, Sterne D, et al. (2007) Creating and maintaining a good intrusion detection hierarchy in dynamic ad hoc networks Proceedings - Ieee Military Communications Conference Milcom
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