Patricia M. Finkenstadt, Ph.D.

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
"Patricia Finkenstadt"
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Jay M. Baraban grad student 2002 Johns Hopkins
 (Characterization of the Translin /Trax RNA binding complex.)
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Finkenstadt PM, Jeon M, Baraban JM. (2002) Trax is a component of the Translin-containing RNA binding complex. Journal of Neurochemistry. 83: 202-10
Finkenstadt PM, Jeon M, Baraban JM. (2001) Masking of the Translin/Trax complex by endogenous RNA. Febs Letters. 498: 6-10
Finkenstadt PM, Kang WS, Jeon M, et al. (2000) Somatodendritic localization of Translin, a component of the Translin/Trax RNA binding complex. Journal of Neurochemistry. 75: 1754-62
Taira E, Finkenstadt PM, Baraban JM. (1998) Identification of translin and trax as components of the GS1 strand-specific DNA binding complex enriched in brain. Journal of Neurochemistry. 71: 471-7
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