Charles F. Flaherty

Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, NJ, United States 
"Charles Flaherty"
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Mitchell CP, Flaherty CF. (2005) Differential effects of removing the glucose or saccharin components of a glucose-saccharin mixture in a successive negative contrast paradigm. Physiology & Behavior. 84: 579-83
Mitchell CP, Ost ML, Flaherty CF. (2004) Evidence for zolpidem-induced hyperphagia, but not anxiolysis, in a successive negative contrast paradigm. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 79: 523-31
Leszczuk MH, Flaherty CF. (2000) Lesions of nucleus accumbens reduce instrumental but not consummatory negative contrast in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 116: 61-79
Flaherty CF, Mitchell C. (1999) Absolute and relative rewarding properties of fructose, glucose, and saccharin mixtures as reflected in anticipatory contrast. Physiology & Behavior. 66: 841-53
Mitchell C, Flaherty C. (1998) Temporal dynamics of corticosterone elevation in successive negative contrast Physiology and Behavior. 64: 287-292
Flaherty CF, Coppotelli C, Hsu D, et al. (1998) Excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus disrupt runway but not consummatory contrast. Behavioural Brain Research. 93: 1-9
Flaherty CF, Greenwood A, Martin J, et al. (1998) Relationship of negative contrast to animal models of fear and anxiety Animal Learning and Behavior. 26: 397-407
Flaherty CF, Coppotelli C, Potaki J. (1996) Effect of chlordiazepoxide on the response to repeated reductions in sucrose concentration in free-fed rats. Physiology & Behavior. 60: 1291-8
Flaherty CF, Clarke S, Coppotelli C. (1996) Lack of tolerance to contrast-reducing actions of chlordiazepoxide with repeated reward reductions. Physiology & Behavior. 60: 645-52
Flaherty CF, Grigson PS, Coppotelli C, et al. (1996) Anticipatory contrast as a function of access time and spatial location Animal Learning and Behavior. 24: 68-81
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