Constanza A. Villalba, Ph.D.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA 
neuroendocrinology, sex differences, neural basis of social behavior
"Constanza Villalba"
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Geert J. de Vries grad student 2000 U Mass Amherst
 (Neurochemical control of social behavior in male and female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster).)
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Lipszyc D, Villalba CA. (2010) Preserving and accessing our cultural heritage: Argentina's experience through the domaine public payant Copyright and Cultural Heritage: Preservation and Access to Works in a Digital World. 179-195
Rosen GJ, De Vries GJ, Villalba C, et al. (2006) Distribution of vasopressin in the forebrain of spotted hyenas. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 498: 80-92
Villalba C, Auger CJ, De Vries GJ. (1999) Androstenedione effects on the vasopressin innervation of the rat brain. Endocrinology. 140: 3383-6
Villalba C, Boyle PA, Caliguri EJ, et al. (1997) Effects of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine on social behaviors in male and female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Hormones and Behavior. 32: 184-91
Wersinger SR, Sannen K, Villalba C, et al. (1997) Masculine sexual behavior is disrupted in male and female mice lacking a functional estrogen receptor alpha gene. Hormones and Behavior. 32: 176-83
De Vries GJ, Villalba C. (1997) Brain sexual dimorphism and sex differences in parental and other social behaviors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 807: 273-86
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