Wendy A. Comisar, Ph.D.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
Receptor mediated cell behavior
"Wendy Comisar"
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Jennifer J. Linderman grad student 2007 University of Michigan
 (Controlling osteogenesis through nanoscale organization of adhesion ligand in alginate hydrogels.)
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Cabal A, Mehta K, Ross DS, et al. (2013) A semimechanistic model of the time-course of release of PTH into plasma following administration of the calcilytic JTT-305/MK-5442 in humans. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research : the Official Journal of the American Society For Bone and Mineral Research. 28: 1830-6
Comisar WA, Mooney DJ, Linderman JJ. (2011) Integrin organization: linking adhesion ligand nanopatterns with altered cell responses. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 274: 120-30
Comisar WA, Kazmers NH, Mooney DJ, et al. (2007) Engineering RGD nanopatterned hydrogels to control preosteoblast behavior: a combined computational and experimental approach. Biomaterials. 28: 4409-17
Comisar WA, Hsiong SX, Kong HJ, et al. (2006) Multi-scale modeling to predict ligand presentation within RGD nanopatterned hydrogels. Biomaterials. 27: 2322-9
Comisar WA, Kazmers NH, Mooney DJ, et al. (2006) Adhesion ligand nanopatterning influences differentiation of preosteoblast cells: a combined experimental and computational approach Developmental Biology. 295: 463
Lee KY, Alsberg E, Hsiong S, et al. (2004) Nanoscale Adhesion Ligand Organization Regulates Osteoblast Proliferation and Differentiation. Nano Letters. 4: 1501-1506
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