Helene Marie

European Brain Institute, Roma, Lazio, Italy 
AMPA receptor trafficking
"Helene Marie"
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Rajão-Saraiva J, Dunot J, Ribera A, et al. (2023) Age-dependent NMDA receptor function is regulated by the amyloid precursor protein. Aging Cell. e13778
Gupta S, Bazargani N, Drew J, et al. (2022) The non-adrenergic imidazoline-1 receptor protein nischarin is a key regulator of astrocyte glutamate uptake. Iscience. 25: 104127
Morishita W, Marie H, Malenka RC. (2005) Distinct triggering and expression mechanisms underlie LTD of AMPA and NMDA synaptic responses. Nature Neuroscience. 8: 1043-50
Marie H, Pratt SJ, Betson M, et al. (2003) The LIM protein Ajuba is recruited to cadherin-dependent cell junctions through an association with alpha-catenin. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 278: 1220-8
Marie H, Billups D, Bedford FK, et al. (2002) The amino terminus of the glial glutamate transporter GLT-1 interacts with the LIM protein Ajuba. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 19: 152-64
Hamann M, Rossi DJ, Marie H, et al. (2002) Knocking out the glial glutamate transporter GLT-1 reduces glutamate uptake but does not affect hippocampal glutamate dynamics in early simulated ischaemia. The European Journal of Neuroscience. 15: 308-14
Gray C, Marie H, Arora M, et al. (2001) Glutamate does not play a major role in controlling bone growth. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research : the Official Journal of the American Society For Bone and Mineral Research. 16: 742-9
Kanungo J, Pratt SJ, Marie H, et al. (2000) Ajuba, a cytosolic LIM protein, shuttles into the nucleus and affects embryonal cell proliferation and fate decisions. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 11: 3299-313
Marie H, Attwell D. (1999) C-terminal interactions modulate the affinity of GLAST glutamate transporters in salamander retinal glial cells. The Journal of Physiology. 520: 393-7
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