Melissa G. Platt, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Psychology | University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, United States |
Trauma and DissociationGoogle:
"Melissa Platt"Mean distance: 18.35 (cluster 54) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJennifer J. Freyd | grad student | 2014 | University of Oregon | |
(Feelings of shame and dissociation in survivors of high and low betrayal traumas.) |
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Rodríguez S, Mclean B, Tungate A, et al. (2024) Experiences of women sexual assault survivors with police in the early aftermath of assault: Results from a large-scale prospective study. Research Square |
Short NA, Witkemper KD, Burud GA, et al. (2024) Research with women sexual assault survivors presenting for emergency care is safe: Results from a multi-site, prospective observational cohort study. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 178: 156-163 |
Walsh K, Short N, Ji YY, et al. (2024) Development of a brief bedside tool to screen women sexual assault survivors for risk of persistent posttraumatic stress six months after sexual assault. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 174: 54-61 |
Lechner M, Bell K, Short NA, et al. (2021) Perceived Care Quality Among Women Receiving Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Care: Results From a 1-Week Postexamination Survey in a Large Multisite Prospective Study. Journal of Emergency Nursing |
McLean S, Tungate A, Short N, et al. (2020) Predictors of Posttraumatic Stress Six Months After Sexual Assault: Results of a Large-Scale, Multi-Site, Prospective Study Biological Psychiatry. 87 |
Short N, Tungate A, Novak C, et al. (2019) (188) Clinically Significant New or Worsening Pain is Common Six Weeks after Sexual Assault: Results of a Large-Scale Cohort Study The Journal of Pain. 20: S22-S23 |
Novak C, Swain H, McLean B, et al. (2019) F25. Increased Adverse Childhood Experiences Predict Worse Acute Pain and Psychological Symptoms After Sexual Assault Biological Psychiatry. 85 |
Swain H, McLean B, Tran C, et al. (2019) F23. Sexual Assault Characteristics Predict Peritraumatic Pain and Posttraumatic Stress Responses Biological Psychiatry. 85 |
Smidt AM, Platt MG. (2018) Sexuality and trauma: Intersections between sexual orientation, sexual functioning, and sexual health and traumatic events. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation : the Official Journal of the International Society For the Study of Dissociation (Issd). 19: 399-402 |
Sullivan J, Witkemper K, Markiewitz N, et al. (2018) S31. Most Sexual Assault Survivors With Significant Posttraumatic Stress do not Receive Mental Health Care in the Initial Weeks After Assault Biological Psychiatry. 83 |