Jerry D. Daniels, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Electrical Engineering | Brown University, Providence, RI |
Neural networks, genetic algorithms, visual physiology, eye movements, development of the nervous system, bio-instrumentation.Google:
"Jerry Daniels"Mean distance: 12.69 (cluster 17) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: E-Tree
Sign in to add traineeMark F. Bear | grad student | 1984 | Brown |
Michael A. Paradiso | grad student | 1984 | Brown |
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Saul AB, Daniels JD. (1986) Modeling and simulation II: Specificity models for visual cortex development Journal of Electrophysiological Techniques. 13: 211-231 |
Nelson SB, Schwartz MA, Daniels JD. (1985) Clonidine and cortical plasticity: possible evidence for noradrenergic involvement. Brain Research. 355: 39-50 |
Bear MF, Paradiso MA, Schwartz M, et al. (1983) Two methods of catecholamine depletion in kitten visual cortex yield different effects on plasticity. Nature. 302: 245-7 |
Bear MF, Daniels JD. (1983) The plastic response to monocular deprivation persists in kitten visual cortex after chronic depletion of norepinephrine. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 3: 407-16 |
Paradiso MA, Bear MF, Daniels JD. (1983) Effects of intracortical infusion of 6-hydroxydopamine on the response of kitten visual cortex to monocular deprivation Experimental Brain Research. 51: 413-422 |
Daniels JD, Pettigrew JD, Norman JL. (1978) Development of single-neuron responses in kitten's lateral geniculate nucleus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 41: 1373-93 |
Daniels JD, Norman JL, Pettigrew JD. (1977) Biases for oriented moving bars in lateral geniculate nucleus neurons of normal and stripe-reared cats. Experimental Brain Research. 29: 155-72 |
Norman JL, Pettigrew JD, Daniels JD. (1977) Early development of X-cells in kitten lateral geniculate nucleus. Science (New York, N.Y.). 198: 202-4 |
Daniels JD, Pettigrew JD. (1975) A study of inhibitory antagonism in cat visual cortex. Brain Research. 93: 41-62 |
Pettigrew JD, Daniels JD. (1973) Gamma-aminobutyric acid antagonism in visual cortex: different effects on simple, complex, and hypercomplex neurons. Science (New York, N.Y.). 182: 81-3 |