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John C. Salerno

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
"John Salerno"
Mean distance: 9.52 (cluster 28)


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Tomoko Ohnishi grad student 1972-1978 Penn
 (student & postdoc)
John S. Leigh post-doc Penn
Henry Kamin post-doc 1978-1980 Duke
 (NIH fellow)


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Alden D. Lathrop research assistant Kennesaw State University
Kathleen M. Salerno research assistant 1997-2002 RPI (Neurotree)
Kevin Mann research assistant 2002-2004 RPI (Neurotree)
Rachel J. Jones grad student 2004 RPI
Denise M. Kay grad student 2004 RPI
Yingtong Gao grad student 2005 RPI
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Ohnishi T, Ohnishi ST, Salerno JC. (2018) Five decades of research on mitochondrial NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (complex I). Biological Chemistry
Ritter LR, Chrestensen CA, Salerno JC. (2016) A mathematical model of endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation with time delay exhibiting Hopf bifurcation and oscillations. Mathematical Biosciences. 281: 62-73
Ohnishi T, Tsuyoshi Ohnishi S, Salerno J. (2016) Five Decades of Research on Structure/Function of Complex I (NADH-quinone Oxidoreductase) Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (Bba) - Bioenergetics. 1857: e43
Salerno JC, Ghosh DK, Razdan R, et al. (2014) Endothelial nitric oxide synthase is regulated by ERK phosphorylation at Ser602. Bioscience Reports. 34
Salerno J, McMurry J, Gitau S, et al. (2014) Phosphorylation of established and novel sites in eNOS have varied impact on activity through several mechanisms Nitric Oxide. 42: 140
Ohnishi T, Ohnishi S, Salerno J. (2014) Role of protein-associated quinones Q-Nf and Q-Ns in complex I energy coupling Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (Bba) - Bioenergetics. 1837: e46-e47
Moomaw EW, Hoffer E, Moussatche P, et al. (2013) Kinetic and spectroscopic studies of bicupin oxalate oxidase and putative active site mutants. Plos One. 8: e57933
Chrestensen CA, McMurry JL, Salerno JC. (2012) MAP kinases bind endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Febs Open Bio. 2: 51-5
Ghosh DK, Ray K, Rogers AJ, et al. (2012) FMN fluorescence in inducible NOS constructs reveals a series of conformational states involved in the reductase catalytic cycle. The Febs Journal. 279: 1306-17
McMurry JL, Chrestensen CA, Scott IM, et al. (2011) Rate, affinity and calcium dependence of nitric oxide synthase isoform binding to the primary physiological regulator calmodulin. The Febs Journal. 278: 4943-54
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