Becca Franks, Ph.D.
Columbia University, New York, NYGoogle:
"Becca Franks"Mean distance: 19.02 (cluster 26) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorE. Tory Higgins | grad student | 2012 | Columbia | |
(Engaging in effectiveness: highlighting the role of challenge in well-being and welfare.) |
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Robbins JA, Roberts C, Weary DM, et al. (2019) Factors influencing public support for dairy tie stall housing in the U.S. Plos One. 14: e0216544 |
Cornwell JFM, Franks B, Higgins ET. (2019) The Proper Mix: Balancing Motivational Orientations in Goal Pursuit Journal of the Association For Consumer Research. 4: 13-20 |
Franks B, Graham C, von Keyserlingk MAG. (2018) Is Heightened-Shoaling a Good Candidate for Positive Emotional Behavior in Zebrafish? Animals : An Open Access Journal From Mdpi. 8 |
Graham C, von Keyserlingk MA, Franks B. (2018) Free-choice exploration increases affiliative behaviour in zebrafish Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 203: 103-110 |
Graham C, von Keyserlingk MA, Franks B. (2018) Zebrafish welfare: Natural history, social motivation and behaviour Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 200: 13-22 |
Webb CE, Romero T, Franks B, et al. (2017) Long-term consistency in chimpanzee consolation behaviour reflects empathetic personalities. Nature Communications. 8: 292 |
Cornwell JFM, Franks B, Higgins ET. (2017) How the “Truth” Self Relates to Altruism: When Your Problem is Mine Social Cognition. 35: 204-226 |
Cornwell JFM, Franks B, Higgins ET. (2017) Shared reality makes life meaningful: Are we really going in the right direction? Motivation Science. 3: 260-274 |
Williamson CM, Franks B, Curley JP. (2016) Mouse Social Network Dynamics and Community Structure are Associated with Plasticity-Related Brain Gene Expression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 10: 152 |
Robbins JA, Franks B, Weary DM, et al. (2016) Awareness of ag-gag laws erodes trust in farmers and increases support for animal welfare regulations Food Policy. 61: 121-125 |