Kali Burke

State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
"Kali Burke"
Mean distance: 15.73 (cluster 17)
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Postolache M, Connelly Graham CJ, Burke K, et al. (2024) Effects of Age on Responses of Principal Cells of the Mouse Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus in Quiet and Noise. Eneuro. 11
Burke K, Screven LA, Vicencio-Jimenez S, et al. (2024) Auditory brainstem response audiometry in tauopathy mouse model of human Alzheimer's disease. Jasa Express Letters. 4
Mondul JA, Burke K, Morley B, et al. (2024) Alpha9alpha10 knockout mice show altered physiological and behavioral responses to signals in masking noise. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 155: 3183-3194
Charlton PE, Burke K, Kobrina A, et al. (2024) The perception of ultrasonic vocalizations by laboratory mice following intense noise exposures. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 155: 867-878
Mondul JA, Burke K, Morley B, et al. (2023) Alpha9alpha10 knockout mice show altered physiological and behavioral responses to signals in masking noise. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Burke K, Burke M, Lauer AM. (2023) Auditory brainstem response (ABR) waveform analysis program. Methodsx. 11: 102414
Capshaw G, Vicencio-Jimenez S, Screven LA, et al. (2022) Physiological Evidence for Delayed Age-related Hearing Loss in Two Long-lived Rodent Species (Peromyscus leucopus and P. californicus). Journal of the Association For Research in Otolaryngology : Jaro
Burke K, Screven LA, Kobrina A, et al. (2022) Effects of Noise Exposure and Aging on Behavioral Tone Detection in Quiet and Noise by Mice. Eneuro. 9
Burke K, Ohman KA, Manohar S, et al. (2022) Blast trauma affects production and perception of mouse ultrasonic vocalizations. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 151: 817
Burke K, Manohar S, Dent ML. (2021) Long term changes to auditory sensitivity following blast trauma in mice. Hearing Research. 403: 108201
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