Gary L. Cates, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Illinois State University, Normal, IL, United States |
educational psychologyGoogle:
"Gary Cates"Mean distance: 13085.6
Sign in to add mentorT. Steuart Watson | grad student | 2001 | Mississippi State University | |
(The differential effects of task variation procedures on ratings of academic stimuli and acquisition of spelling skills among elementary -age students.) |
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Skinner CH, Mccleary DF, Skolits GL, et al. (2013) Emerging Opportunities For School Psychologists To Enhance Our Remediation Procedure Evidence Base As We Apply Response To Intervention Psychology in the Schools. 50: 272-289 |
Joseph LM, Konrad M, Cates G, et al. (2012) A meta-analytic review of the cover-copy-compare and variations of this self-management procedure Psychology in the Schools. 49: 122-136 |
Grafman JM, Cates GL. (2010) The differential effects of two self-managed math instruction procedures: cover, copy, and compare versus copy, cover, and compare Psychology in the Schools. 47: 135-152 |
Cates GL, Burns MK, Joseph LM. (2010) Introduction to the special issue: Instructional efficiency and the impact on learning and data-based decision making Psychology in the Schools. 47: 111-113 |
Cates GL, Dunne M, Erkfritz KN, et al. (2007) Differential effects of two spelling procedures on acquisition, maintenance and adaption to reading Journal of Behavioral Education. 16: 70-81 |
Cates GL, Erkfritz KN. (2007) Effects of interspersing rates on students performance on and preferences for mathematics assignments: Testing the discrete task completion hypothesis Psychology in the Schools. 44: 615-625 |
Rhymer KN, Cates GL. (2006) Student performance on and preferences for mathematics word problems: An investigation of the effects of explicit timing and interspersing procedures School Psychology Quarterly. 21: 34-45 |
Cates GL, Thomason K, Havey M, et al. (2006) A preliminary investigation of the effects of reading fluency interventions on comprehension: Using brief experimental analysis to select reading interventions Journal of Applied School Psychology. 23: 133-154 |
Havey JM, Olson JM, McCormick C, et al. (2005) Teachers' perceptions of the incidence and management of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Applied Neuropsychology. 12: 120-7 |
Cates GL. (2005) A review of the effects of interspersing procedures on the stages of academic skill development Journal of Behavioral Education. 14: 305-325 |