Desdamona Rios, Ph.D.

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
"Desdamona Rios"
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Abigail J. Stewart grad student 2010 University of Michigan
 (Minority status and privilege in the academy: The importance of race, gender, and socialization practices for undergraduates, graduate students and faculty.)
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Rios D, Stewart AJ. (2015) Insider and outsider-within standpoints: The experiences of diverse faculty in science and engineering fields Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering. 21: 295-322
Cole ER, Case KA, Rios D, et al. (2011) Understanding what students bring to the classroom: moderators of the effects of diversity courses on student attitudes. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. 17: 397-405
Shapiro DN, Rios D, Stewart AJ. (2010) Conceptualizing lesbian sexual identity development: Narrative accounts of socializing structures and individual decisions and actions Feminism and Psychology. 20: 491-510
Rios D, Stewart AJ, Winter DG. (2010) "Thinking she could be the next president": Why identifying with the curriculum matters Psychology of Women Quarterly. 34: 328-338
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