James V. Corwin

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
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"James Corwin"
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Hylin MJ, Brenneman MM, Corwin JV. (2017) Noradrenergic antagonists mitigate amphetamine-induced recovery. Behavioural Brain Research. 334: 61-71
Brenneman MM, Hylin MJ, Corwin JV. (2015) The time-dependent and persistent effects of amphetamine treatment upon recovery from hemispatial neglect in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 293: 153-61
Wu JH, Corwin JV, Reep RL. (2009) Organization of the corticostriatal projection from rat medial agranular cortex to far dorsolateral striatum. Brain Research. 1280: 69-76
Kamishina H, Conte WL, Patel SS, et al. (2009) Cortical connections of the rat lateral posterior thalamic nucleus. Brain Research. 1264: 39-56
Reep RL, Corwin JV. (2009) Posterior parietal cortex as part of a neural network for directed attention in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 91: 104-13
Conte WL, Kamishina H, Corwin JV, et al. (2008) Topography in the projections of lateral posterior thalamus with cingulate and medial agranular cortex in relation to circuitry for directed attention and neglect. Brain Research. 1240: 87-95
Reep RL, Wu JH, Cheatwood JL, et al. (2008) Quantification of synaptic density in corticostriatal projections from rat medial agranular cortex. Brain Research. 1233: 27-34
Kamishina H, Yurcisin GH, Corwin JV, et al. (2008) Striatal projections from the rat lateral posterior thalamic nucleus. Brain Research. 1204: 24-39
Brenneman MM, Wagner SJ, Cheatwood JL, et al. (2008) Nogo-A inhibition induces recovery from neglect in rats. Behavioural Brain Research. 187: 262-72
Cheatwood JL, Corwin JV, Reep RL. (2005) Overlap and interdigitation of cortical and thalamic afferents to dorsocentral striatum in the rat. Brain Research. 1036: 90-100
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