
James Hambrick, Ph.D.

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
anxiety disorders
"James Hambrick"
Mean distance: 20.41 (cluster 14)


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Richard G. Heimberg grad student 2007 Temple University
 (Things left unsaid: Generalized anxiety disorder and the verbal processing of emotion in intimate relationships.)
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Fresco DM, Mennin DS, Moore MT, et al. (2014) Changes in explanatory flexibility among individuals with generalized anxiety disorder in an emotion evocation challenge Cognitive Therapy and Research. 38: 416-427
Hambrick JP, Rodebaugh TL, Balsis S, et al. (2010) Cross-ethnic measurement equivalence of measures of depression, social anxiety, and worry. Assessment. 17: 155-71
Hambrick JP, Comer JS, Albano AM. (2010) Cognitive–behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders: Model and current issues Anxiety Disorders: Theory, Research, and Clinical Perspectives. 204-215
Hambrick JP, Turk CL, Heimberg RG, et al. (2004) Psychometric properties of disability measures among patients with social anxiety disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 18: 825-39
Hambrick JP, Turk CL, Heimberg RG, et al. (2003) The experience of disability and quality of life in social anxiety disorder. Depression and Anxiety. 18: 46-50
Hambrick JP, Weeks JW, Harb GC, et al. (2003) Cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder: supporting evidence and future directions. Cns Spectrums. 8: 373-81
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