Faith A. Brozovich, Ph.D.

Psychology Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
anxiety disorders
"Faith Brozovich"
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Richard G. Heimberg grad student 2012 Temple University
 (Examining mental imagery and post-event processing among socially anxious individuals.)
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Morrison AS, Mateen MA, Brozovich FA, et al. (2019) Changes in Empathy Mediate the Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy but Not Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Social Anxiety Disorder. Behavior Therapy. 50: 1098-1111
Morrison AS, Mateen MA, Brozovich FA, et al. (2016) Empathy for positive and negative emotions in social anxiety disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 87: 232-242
Goldin PR, Morrison A, Jazaieri H, et al. (2016) Group CBT Versus MBSR for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Morrison AS, Brozovich FA, Lee IA, et al. (2015) Anxiety trajectories in response to a speech task in social anxiety disorder: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial of CBT. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 38: 21-30
Morrison AS, Brozovich FA, Lakhan-Pal S, et al. (2015) Attentional blink impairment in social anxiety disorder: Depression comorbidity matters. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 50: 209-214
Brozovich FA, Goldin P, Lee I, et al. (2015) The effect of rumination and reappraisal on social anxiety symptoms during cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 71: 208-18
Heimberg RG, Brozovich FA, Rapee RM. (2014) A Cognitive-Behavioral Model of Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety: Clinical, Developmental, and Social Perspectives: Third Edition. 704-728
Brozovich FA, Heimberg RG. (2013) Mental imagery and post-event processing in anticipation of a speech performance among socially anxious individuals. Behavior Therapy. 44: 701-16
Brozovich F, Heimberg RG. (2011) The relationship of post-event processing to self-evaluation of performance in social anxiety. Behavior Therapy. 42: 224-35
Brozovich FA, Heimberg RG. (2011) A treatment-refractory case of social anxiety disorder: Lessons learned from a failed course of cognitive-behavioral therapy Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. 18: 316-325
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