Melinda A. Smith, Ph.D.

Neuroscience University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
effects of menopause on the human hypothalamus
"Melinda Smith"
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Paul E. Micevych grad student 2012- UCLA School of Medicine
Naomi E. Rance grad student 2012 University of Arizona
 (The role of KNDy neurons in estrogen modulation of LH release, body weight, and thermoregulation.)
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Zhou P, Burton SD, Snyder AC, et al. (2015) Establishing a Statistical Link between Network Oscillations and Neural Synchrony. Plos Computational Biology. 11: e1004549
Snyder AC, Smith MA. (2015) Stimulus-dependent spiking relationships with the EEG. Journal of Neurophysiology. jn.00427.2015
Smith MA, Katsouri L, Irvine EE, et al. (2015) Ribosomal S6K1 in POMC and AgRP Neurons Regulates Glucose Homeostasis but Not Feeding Behavior in Mice. Cell Reports. 11: 335-43
Snyder AC, Morais MJ, Willis CM, et al. (2015) Global network influences on local functional connectivity. Nature Neuroscience. 18: 736-43
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