Stephanie A. Godleski, Ph.D.

2012 Psychology State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
Aggression, Social Development, Peer Relations, Developmental Psychopathology
"Stephanie Godleski"
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Jamie Ostrov grad student 2012 SUNY Buffalo
 (Parental influences on relational social information processing during early childhood.)
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Seay DM, Ivanova MY, Nickerson AB, et al. (2023) Family Risk Exposure Profiles During Early Childhood: Developmental Processes and Adolescent Well-Being. Adversity and Resilience Science. 4: 151-170
Eiden RD, Ettekal I, Zhao J, et al. (2023) Prenatal substance exposure, early-life adversity, and parenting: Associations with adolescent stress response. Developmental Psychobiology. 65: e22365
Godleski S, Schuetze P, Eiden RD, et al. (2022) Developmental Pathways from Prenatal Substance Exposure to Reactive Aggression. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 83
Zhao J, Ettekal I, Nickerson AB, et al. (2022) Child Community Violence Exposure in an at-Risk Sample: Developmental Trajectories, Caregiving Risks, and the Role of Child Temperament. Psychology of Violence. 12: 382-392
Godleski SA, Murray-Close D. (2022) Assessment of hostile intent attributions across escalating conflict stories. Aggressive Behavior
Colton KC, Godleski SA, Crane CA. (2022) Applying a bifactor model to the functions of relational aggression: Associations with hostile attribution biases and difficulties with emotion regulation. Aggressive Behavior
Ostrov JM, Perry KJ, Eiden RD, et al. (2022) Development of Bullying and Victimization: An Examination of Risk and Protective Factors in a High-Risk Sample. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 8862605211067026
Perry KJ, Ostrov JM, Shisler S, et al. (2021) Pathways From Early Family Violence to Adolescent Reactive Aggression and Violence Victimization. Journal of Family Violence. 36: 75-86
Eiden RD, Godleski SA, Colder CR, et al. (2020) Early Childhood Risk and Protective Factors Predicting Resilience against Adolescent Substance Use. Adversity and Resilience Science. 1: 107-119
Nowalis S, Godleski SA, Schenkel LS. (2020) Attachment as a Moderator in the Relation Between Child Maltreatment and Symptoms of Depression. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 886260520933050
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