Sarah C. Kulkofsky, Ph.D.

2007 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
"Sarah Kulkofsky"
Mean distance: 20.39 (cluster 20)


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Douglas N. Johnson research assistant Colgate University (PsychTree)
Stephen Ceci grad student 2007 Cornell
 (Narrative skills as a predictor of suggestibility and memory accuracy.)
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Chae Y, Kulkofsky S, Debaran F, et al. (2016) Low-SES Preschool Children's Eyewitness Memory: The Role of Narrative Skill. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 34: 55-73
Marsh JK, Kulkofsky S. (2015) The selective power of causality on memory errors. Memory (Hove, England). 23: 291-305
Kulkofsky S, Behrens KY, Battin DB. (2015) The Bonds that Remind Us: Maternal Reminiscing for Bonding Purposes in Relation to Children's Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance Infant and Child Development. 24: 469-488
Chae Y, Kulkofsky S, Debaran F, et al. (2014) Low-SES children's eyewitness memory: the effects of verbal labels and vocabulary skills. Behavioral Sciences & the Law. 32: 732-45
Behrens KY, Parker AC, Kulkofsky S. (2014) Stability of maternal sensitivity across time and contexts with Q-sort measures Infant and Child Development. 23: 532-541
Kulkofsky S, Wang Q, Conway MA, et al. (2011) Cultural variation in the correlates of flashbulb memories: an investigation in five countries. Memory (Hove, England). 19: 233-40
Kulkofsky S. (2011) Characteristics of functional joint reminiscence in early childhood. Memory. 19: 45-55
Kulkofsky S, Principe GF, Debaran FB, et al. (2011) Just the facts or just for fun? Children's understanding of and sensitivity to retelling contexts Applied Cognitive Psychology. 25: 727-738
Kulkofsky S, Wang Q, Hou Y. (2010) Why I remember that: the influence of contextual factors on beliefs about everyday memory. Memory & Cognition. 38: 461-473
Kulkofsky S. (2010) The effects of verbal labels and vocabulary skill on memory and suggestibility Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 31: 460-466
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