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Lock TM, Baizer JS, Bender DB. (2003) Distribution of corticotectal cells in macaque. Experimental Brain Research. 151: 455-70
Bender DB, Youakim M. (2001) Effect of attentive fixation in macaque thalamus and cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 85: 219-34
Joly TJ, Bender DB. (1997) Loss of relative-motion sensitivity in the monkey superior colliculus after lesions of cortical area MT. Experimental Brain Research. 117: 43-58
Davidson RM, Joly TJ, Bender DB. (1992) Effect of corticotectal tract lesions on relative motion selectivity in the monkey superior colliculus. Experimental Brain Research. 92: 246-58
Davidson RM, Bender DB. (1991) Selectivity for relative motion in the monkey superior colliculus. Journal of Neurophysiology. 65: 1115-33
Baizer JS, Whitney JF, Bender DB. (1991) Bilateral projections from the parabigeminal nucleus to the superior colliculus in monkey. Experimental Brain Research. 86: 467-70
Bender DB, Baizer JS. (1990) Saccadic eye movements following kainic acid lesions of the pulvinar in monkeys. Experimental Brain Research. 79: 467-78
Bender DB, Butter CM. (1987) Comparison of the effects of superior colliculus and pulvinar lesions on visual search and tachistoscopic pattern discrimination in monkeys. Experimental Brain Research. 69: 140-54
Bender DB, Davidson RM. (1986) Global visual processing in the monkey superior colliculus. Brain Research. 381: 372-5
Bender DB. (1983) Visual activation of neurons in the primate pulvinar depends on cortex but not colliculus. Brain Research. 279: 258-61
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