Hermann Steller

Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States 
Verified eprotein degradation, proteasome, cell death, neuronal degeneration, developmental biology
"Hermann Steller"


Mean distance: 14.78 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: FlyTree


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Vincenzo Pirrotta grad student 1984 Universität Heidelberg (FlyTree)
 (Gentransfer in Drosophila zum Studium der Struktur, Funktion und Regulation klonierter Gene)
Gerald M. Rubin post-doc (FlyTree)


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Alexis Gambis grad student (FlyTree)
Cesar Mendes grad student Columbia (FlyTree)
Kevin J. Lee grad student 1987-1994 MIT
Sandra Jones grad student 2011-2018 Rockefeller
Yetis Gultekin grad student 2013-2019 Rockefeller
Andreas Bergmann post-doc MIT (FlyTree)
Ana Regina Campos post-doc (FlyTree)
Sam Kunes post-doc Harvard
Kim McCall post-doc (FlyTree)
Jannette Rusch post-doc (FlyTree)
Hyung-Don Ryoo post-doc
Scott Selleck post-doc (FlyTree)
Kristin White post-doc (FlyTree)
Lei Zhou post-doc Rockefeller (FlyTree)
John M Abrams post-doc 1994 MIT (Cell Biology Tree)
Eli Arama post-doc 2001-2006 Rockefeller (FlyTree)
Pedro Domingos post-doc 2002-2008 Rockefeller (FlyTree)
Bertrand Mollereau research scientist ENS Lyon, France (FlyTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Li X, Fetter R, Schwabe T, et al. (2021) The cAMP effector PKA mediates Moody GPCR signaling in blood-brain barrier formation and maturation. Elife. 10
Minis A, Rodriguez JA, Levin A, et al. (2019) The proteasome regulator PI31 is required for protein homeostasis, synapse maintenance, and neuronal survival in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Domingos PM, Jenny A, Combie KF, et al. (2019) Regulation of Numb during planar cell polarity establishment in the Drosophila eye. Mechanisms of Development. 103583
Liu K, Jones S, Minis A, et al. (2019) PI31 Is an Adaptor Protein for Proteasome Transport in Axons and Required for Synaptic Development. Developmental Cell
Gultekin Y, Steller H. (2019) Axin proteolysis by Iduna is required for the regulation of stem cell proliferation and intestinal homeostasis in . Development (Cambridge, England)
Maor G, Cabasso O, Krivoruk O, et al. (2016) The contribution of mutant GBA to the development of parkinson disease in Drosophila. Human Molecular Genetics
Mollereau B, Rzechorzek NM, Roussel BD, et al. (2016) Adaptive Preconditioning in Neurological Diseases - Therapeutic Insights from Proteostatic Perturbations. Brain Research
Rosas-Arellano A, Vásquez-Procopio J, Gambis A, et al. (2016) Ferritin Assembly in Enterocytes of Drosophila melanogaster. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 17
Pérez-Garijo A, Steller H. (2015) Spreading the word: non-autonomous effects of apoptosis during development, regeneration and disease. Development (Cambridge, England). 142: 3253-62
Sandu C, Chandramouli N, Glickman JF, et al. (2015) Thiostrepton interacts covalently with Rpt subunits of the 19S proteasome and proteasome substrates. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
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