Richard Whitten Sapp, MS BS

2011- Biology  Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
"Richard Sapp"
Mean distance: 13.44 (cluster 6)
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Welsh CA, Stephany CÉ, Sapp RW, et al. (2019) Ocular dominance plasticity in binocular primary visual cortex does not require C1q. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Xiao X, Djurisic M, Hoogi A, et al. (2018) Automated dendritic spine detection using convolutional neural networks on maximum intensity projected microscopic volumes. Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Vidal GS, Djurisic M, Brown K, et al. (2016) Cell-Autonomous Regulation of Dendritic Spine Density by PirB. Eneuro. 3
Bochner DN, Sapp RW, Adelson JD, et al. (2014) Blocking PirB up-regulates spines and functional synapses to unlock visual cortical plasticity and facilitate recovery from amblyopia. Science Translational Medicine. 6: 258ra140
Adelson JD, Sapp RW, Brott BK, et al. (2014) Developmental Sculpting of Intracortical Circuits by MHC Class I H2-Db and H2-Kb. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
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