Brian Biehs, Ph.D.

2009 Cell Biology University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 
"Brian Biehs"
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Thomas B. Kornberg grad student 2009 UCSF
 (Targets of cubitus interruptus regulation in the Drosophila embryo.)
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Biehs B, Dijkgraaf GJP, Piskol R, et al. (2018) A cell identity switch allows residual BCC to survive Hedgehog pathway inhibition. Nature
Hoeck JD, Biehs B, Kurtova AV, et al. (2017) Stem cell plasticity enables hair regeneration following Lgr5(+) cell loss. Nature Cell Biology. 19: 666-676
Biehs B, Dijkgraaf GJ, Alicke B, et al. (2017) Abstract LB-136: Characterization of residual Basal Cell Carcinoma after vismodegib treatment Cancer Research. 77
Tian H, Biehs B, Chiu C, et al. (2015) Opposing activities of Notch and Wnt signaling regulate intestinal stem cells and gut homeostasis. Cell Reports. 11: 33-42
Jheon AH, Seidel K, Biehs B, et al. (2013) From molecules to mastication: the development and evolution of teeth. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Developmental Biology. 2: 165-82
Dvorkin D, Biehs B, Kechris K. (2013) A graphical model method for integrating multiple sources of genome-scale data. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 12: 469-87
Ibrahim DM, Biehs B, Kornberg TB, et al. (2013) Microarray comparison of anterior and posterior Drosophila wing imaginal disc cells identifies novel wing genes. G3 (Bethesda, Md.). 3: 1353-62
Biehs B, Hu JK, Strauli NB, et al. (2013) BMI1 represses Ink4a/Arf and Hox genes to regulate stem cells in the rodent incisor. Nature Cell Biology. 15: 846-52
Chavez MG, Yu W, Biehs B, et al. (2013) Characterization of dental epithelial stem cells from the mouse incisor with two-dimensional and three-dimensional platforms. Tissue Engineering. Part C, Methods. 19: 15-24
Kyrylkova K, Kyryachenko S, Biehs B, et al. (2012) BCL11B regulates epithelial proliferation and asymmetric development of the mouse mandibular incisor. Plos One. 7: e37670
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