John Palka

"John Palka"
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Nakamura M, Baldwin D, Hannaford S, et al. (2002) Defective proboscis extension response (DPR), a member of the Ig superfamily required for the gustatory response to salt. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 22: 3463-72
Dickinson MH, Hannaford S, Palka J. (1997) The evolution of insect wings and their sensory apparatus. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 50: 13-24
Whitlock KE, Palka J. (1995) Development of wing sensory axons in the central nervous system of Drosophila during metamorphosis. Journal of Neurobiology. 26: 189-204
Palka J. (1993) Neuronal specificity and its development in the Drosophila wing disc and its derivatives. Journal of Neurobiology. 24: 788-802
Blair SS, Giangrande A, Skeath JB, et al. (1992) The development of normal and ectopic sensilla in the wings of hairy and Hairy wing mutants of Drosophila. Mechanisms of Development. 38: 3-16
Palka J. (1992) Neurons and networks: An introduction to neuroscience: By John Dowing. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Unibersity Press. (1992). 474 pp. $45.00 Cell. 71: 555
Edwards JS, Palka J. (1991) Insect neural evolution-a fugue or an opera? Seminars in Neuroscience. 3: 391-398
Blair SS, Palka J. (1989) Mosaic Drosophila wings reveal regional heterogeneity in the guidance of ectopic axons. Journal of Neurobiology. 20: 55-68
Palka J, Schubiger M. (1988) Genes for neural differentiation. Trends in Neurosciences. 11: 515-7
Dickinson MH, Palka J. (1987) Physiological properties, time of development, and central projection are correlated in the wing mechanoreceptors of Drosophila. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 7: 4201-8
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