Olga L. Walker, Ph.D.

2011 Psychology (Arts & Sciences) University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 
"Olga Walker"


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Heather Henderson grad student 2011 University of Miami
 (Preschool predictors of social problem-solving and their relations to social and academic adjustment in early elementary school.)
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Kravitz SBR, Walker OL, Degnan KA. (2021) Toddler Exuberance as an Influence on Positive Social Behavior in a High-Intensity Context in Middle Childhood. Social Development (Oxford, England). 31: 232-247
White LK, Degnan KA, Henderson HA, et al. (2017) Developmental Relations Among Behavioral Inhibition, Anxiety, and Attention Biases to Threat and Positive Information. Child Development. 88: 141-155
Degnan KA, Hane AA, Henderson HA, et al. (2015) Emergent patterns of risk for psychopathology: The influence of infant avoidance and maternal caregiving on trajectories of social reticence. Development and Psychopathology. 27: 1163-78
Walker OL, Degnan KA, Fox NA, et al. (2015) Early social fear in relation to play with an unfamiliar peer: Actor and partner effects. Developmental Psychology. 51: 1588-96
Barker TV, Reeb-Sutherland B, Degnan KA, et al. (2015) Contextual startle responses moderate the relation between behavioral inhibition and anxiety in middle childhood. Psychophysiology. 52: 1544-9
Almas AN, Degnan KA, Walker OL, et al. (2015) The Effects of Early Institutionalization and Foster Care Intervention on Children's Social Behaviors at Age 8. Social Development (Oxford, England). 24: 225-239
Penela EC, Walker OL, Degnan KA, et al. (2015) Early Behavioral Inhibition and Emotion Regulation: Pathways Toward Social Competence in Middle Childhood. Child Development
Frenkel TI, Fox NA, Pine DS, et al. (2015) Early childhood behavioral inhibition, adult psychopathology and the buffering effects of adolescent social networks: a twenty-year prospective study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines
Almas AN, Degnan KA, Walker OL, et al. (2015) The effects of early institutionalization and foster care intervention on children's social behaviors at the age of eight Social Development. 24: 225-239
Fox NA, Walker OL. (2015) Temperament: Individual differences in reactivity and regulation as antecedent to personality Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Sixth Edition. 93-104
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