Wallace B. Rendell, Ph.D.

2000 Queen's University, Canada, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 
stress, central pattern generation, insect
"Wallace Rendell"
Mean distance: 16.39 (cluster 6)
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Cox AR, Robertson RJ, Rendell WB, et al. (2020) Population decline in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) linked to climate change and inclement weather on the breeding ground. Oecologia
Cox AR, Robertson RJ, Fedy BC, et al. (2018) Demographic drivers of local population decline in Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) in Ontario, Canada The Condor. 120: 842-851
Shutler D, Hussell DJT, Norris DR, et al. (2012) Spatiotemporal patterns in nest box occupancy by tree Swallows across North America | Tendance spatiotemporelle de l'occupation de nichoirs par l'hirondelle bicolore en Amérique du Nord Avian Conservation and Ecology. 7: 4
Ferree ED, Dickinson J, Rendell W, et al. (2010) Hatching order explains an extrapair chick advantage in western bluebirds Behavioral Ecology. 21: 802-807
Saether BE, Lande R, Engen S, et al. (2005) Generation time and temporal scaling of bird population dynamics. Nature. 436: 99-102
Sæther B, Engen S, Møller AP, et al. (2005) Time to extinction of bird populations Ecology. 86: 693-700
Robertson RJ, Rendell WB. (2001) A long-term study of reproductive performance in tree swallows: The influence of age and senescence on output Journal of Animal Ecology. 70: 1014-1031
Mallory ML, Rendell WB, Robertson RJ. (2000) Responses of birds to broken eggs in their nests Condor. 102: 673-675
Rendell WB, Verbeek NAM. (1996) Are avian ectoparasites more numerous in nest boxes with old nest material? Canadian Journal of Zoology. 74: 1819-1825
Rendell WB, Robertson RJ. (1993) Cavity size, clutch-size and the breeding ecology of tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor Ibis. 135: 305-310
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