Mark S. Pankonin, Ph.D.

2006 Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United States 
Neuromuscular Junction, Epilepsy, Neuregulin
"Mark Pankonin"
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Jeffrey A. Loeb grad student 2006 Wayne State
 (Specific heparan sulfate interactions target and potentiate neuregulin-1 signaling.)
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Ma Z, Li Q, An H, et al. (2009) Targeting human epidermal growth factor receptor signaling with the neuregulin's heparin-binding domain. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 284: 32108-15
Pankonin MS, Sohi J, Kamholz J, et al. (2009) Differential distribution of neuregulin in human brain and spinal fluid. Brain Research. 1258: 1-11
Esper RM, Pankonin MS, Loeb JA. (2006) Neuregulins: versatile growth and differentiation factors in nervous system development and human disease. Brain Research Reviews. 51: 161-75
Pankonin MS, Gallagher JT, Loeb JA. (2005) Specific structural features of heparan sulfate proteoglycans potentiate neuregulin-1 signaling. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280: 383-8
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