Gokhan Malkoc, Ph.D.

2003 University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
Visual system
"Gokhan Malkoc"
Mean distance: 16.06 (cluster 29)


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Michael A. Webster grad student 2003 University of Nevada, Reno
 (Color categories and the structure of color space.)
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Malkoc G, Kingdom FA. (2012) Dichoptic difference thresholds for chromatic stimuli. Vision Research. 62: 75-83
McDermott KC, Malkoc G, Mulligan JB, et al. (2010) Adaptation and visual salience. Journal of Vision. 10: 17
Kingdom FA, Bell J, Gheorghiu E, et al. (2010) Chromatic variations suppress suprathreshold brightness variations. Journal of Vision. 10: 13
Kingdom FA, Wong K, Yoonessi A, et al. (2006) Colour contrast influences perceived shape in combined shading and texture patterns. Spatial Vision. 19: 147-59
Malkoc G, Kay P, Webster MA. (2005) Variations in normal color vision. IV. Binary hues and hue scaling. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 22: 2154-68
Malkoc G, Kingdom FAA. (2004) Color properties of binocular color fusion and rivalry Journal of Vision. 4: 330-330
Malkoc G, Kingdom FAA. (2004) Dichoptic difference thresholds for the properties of chromatic stimuli Journal of Vision. 4: 64-64
Malkoc G, Kay P, Webster MA. (2003) Individual differences in hue scaling Journal of Vision. 3: 34a
Webster MA, Malkoc G, Bilson AC, et al. (2002) Color contrast and contextual influences on color appearance. Journal of Vision. 2: 505-19
Malkoc G, Webster MA, Kay P. (2002) Individual differences in color categories Journal of Vision. 2: 144a
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