Xinsheng Zhu, Ph.D.

2001 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
"Xinsheng Zhu"
Mean distance: 19.07 (cluster 11)


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Jenny P-Y Ting grad student 2001 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Class II transactivator (CIITA): Its associative properties and regulatory functions.)
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O'Connor W, Harton JA, Zhu X, et al. (2003) Cutting edge: CIAS1/cryopyrin/PYPAF1/NALP3/CATERPILLER 1.1 is an inducible inflammatory mediator with NF-kappa B suppressive properties. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 171: 6329-33
Greer SF, Zika E, Conti B, et al. (2003) Enhancement of CIITA transcriptional function by ubiquitin. Nature Immunology. 4: 1074-82
Zika E, Greer SF, Zhu XS, et al. (2003) Histone deacetylase 1/mSin3A disrupts gamma interferon-induced CIITA function and major histocompatibility complex class II enhanceosome formation. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 23: 3091-102
Zhu XS, Ting JP. (2001) A 36-amino-acid region of CIITA is an effective inhibitor of CBP: novel mechanism of gamma interferon-mediated suppression of collagen alpha(2)(I) and other promoters. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 21: 7078-88
Cressman DE, O'Connor WJ, Greer SF, et al. (2001) Mechanisms of nuclear import and export that control the subcellular localization of class II transactivator. Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950). 167: 3626-34
Li G, Harton JA, Zhu X, et al. (2001) Downregulation of CIITA function by protein kinase a (PKA)-mediated phosphorylation: mechanism of prostaglandin E, cyclic AMP, and PKA inhibition of class II major histocompatibility complex expression in monocytic lines. Molecular and Cellular Biology. 21: 4626-35
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