Marcela C. Assanah, Ph.D.

2006 Columbia University, New York, NY 
Glial differentiation in mammalian CNS development; progenitors in the adult CNS; cytoskeletal abnormalities and stress proteins in neurological disorders.
"Marcela Assanah"
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James E. Goldman grad student 2006 Columbia
 (Exploring the relationship between progenitor cells and gliomas.)
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Ellis JA, Castelli M, Assanah M, et al. (2015) Unique microenvironmental responses to PDGF stimulation in brain and spinal cord gliomas determine tumor phenotype. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 123: 27-33
Massey SC, Assanah MC, Lopez KA, et al. (2012) Glial progenitor cell recruitment drives aggressive glioma growth: mathematical and experimental modelling. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society. 9: 1757-66
Lopez KA, Tannenbaum AM, Assanah MC, et al. (2011) Convection-enhanced delivery of topotecan into a PDGF-driven model of glioblastoma prolongs survival and ablates both tumor-initiating cells and recruited glial progenitors. Cancer Research. 71: 3963-71
Bohman LE, Swanson KR, Moore JL, et al. (2010) Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of glioblastoma multiforme: implications for understanding glioma ontogeny. Neurosurgery. 67: 1319-27; discussion
David CJ, Chen M, Assanah M, et al. (2010) HnRNP proteins controlled by c-Myc deregulate pyruvate kinase mRNA splicing in cancer. Nature. 463: 364-8
Assanah MC, Bruce JN, Suzuki SO, et al. (2009) PDGF stimulates the massive expansion of glial progenitors in the neonatal forebrain. Glia. 57: 1835-47
Kennedy BC, Maier LM, D'Amico R, et al. (2009) Dynamics of central and peripheral immunomodulation in a murine glioma model. Bmc Immunology. 10: 11
Ogden AT, Waziri AE, Lochhead RA, et al. (2008) Identification of A2B5+CD133- tumor-initiating cells in adult human gliomas. Neurosurgery. 62: 505-14; discussion 5
Lopez KA, Assanah M, Waziri AE, et al. (2008) Human Glioma Cells Recruit and Expand Adult Glial Progenitors via Paracrine Platelet-derived Growth Factor Signaling: 874 Neurosurgery. 62: 1424-1425
Assanah M, Lochhead R, Ogden A, et al. (2006) Glial progenitors in adult white matter are driven to form malignant gliomas by platelet-derived growth factor-expressing retroviruses. The Journal of Neuroscience. 26: 6781-6790
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