Gabrielle B. Britton

Lafayette College, Easton, PA, United States 
"Gabrielle Britton"
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Joseph E. Steinmetz grad student 1999-2000 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Neuronal activity in cerebellar interpositus nucleus and red nucleus during conditioned inhibition of the eyeblink response.)
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Britton GB, Segan AT, Sejour J, et al. (2007) Early exposure to methylphenidate increases fear responses in an aversive context in adult rats. Developmental Psychobiology. 49: 265-75
Britton GB, Astheimer LB. (2004) Fear develops to the conditioned stimulus and to the context during classical eyeblink conditioning in rats. Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science : the Official Journal of the Pavlovian Society. 39: 295-306
Tracy JA, Britton GB, Steinmetz JE. (2001) Comparison of single unit responses to tone, light, and compound conditioned stimuli during rabbit classical eyeblink conditioning. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 76: 253-67
Rogers RF, Britton GB, Steinmetz JE. (2001) Learning-related interpositus activity is conserved across species as studied during eyeblink conditioning in the rat. Brain Research. 905: 171-7
Steinmetz JE, Britton GB, Green JT. (2000) How is the feed-forward Pavlovian control system instantiated in neurobiology? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 23: 267
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