Michael Rutlin, Ph.D.

2011 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
signaling, neurotrophins, development, trophic factors
"Michael Rutlin"
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David D. Ginty grad student 2011 Johns Hopkins
 (The identification of genes instructive for somatosensory circuit assembly and function.)
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Abraira VE, Kuehn ED, Chirila AM, et al. (2016) The Cellular and Synaptic Architecture of the Mechanosensory Dorsal Horn. Cell
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Rutlin M, Ho CY, Abraira VE, et al. (2015) The Cellular and Molecular Basis of Direction Selectivity of Aδ-LTMRs. Cell. 160: 1027
Liao GY, Bouyer K, Kamitakahara A, et al. (2015) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is required for axonal growth of selective groups of neurons in the arcuate nucleus. Molecular Metabolism. 4: 471-82
Rutlin M, Ho CY, Abraira VE, et al. (2014) The cellular and molecular basis of direction selectivity of Aδ-LTMRs. Cell. 159: 1640-51
Liu Y, Rutlin M, Huang S, et al. (2012) Sexually dimorphic BDNF signaling directs sensory innervation of the mammary gland. Science (New York, N.Y.). 338: 1357-60
Li L, Rutlin M, Abraira VE, et al. (2011) The functional organization of cutaneous low-threshold mechanosensory neurons. Cell. 147: 1615-27
Rutlin M, Nelson SB. (2011) MeCP2: phosphorylated locally, acting globally. Neuron. 72: 3-5
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