Elizabeth E. Melton, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2011 | Psychology | University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA, United States |
Sensory Systems, Perceptual LearningGoogle:
"Elizabeth Melton"Mean distance: 15.53 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorAaron R. Seitz | grad student | 2011 | UC Riverside | |
(The Relationship Between Implicit and Explicit Memory in Negative and Positive Priming.) |
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Le Dantec CC, Melton EE, Seitz AR. (2012) A triple dissociation between learning of target, distractors, and spatial contexts. Journal of Vision. 12 |
Le Dantec C, Seitz A, Melton E. (2011) Triply Dissociated Learning of Context, Target Orientation and Distractor Orientation in Visual Search Journal of Vision. 11: 1029-1029 |