George K. Acquaah-Mensah, Ph.D.

2001 University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"George Acquaah-Mensah"
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Steven W. Leslie grad student 2001 UT Austin
 (Fetal alcohol syndrome: Changes in transcriptional activation in the cerebellum caused by ethanol exposure during neurodevelopment.)
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Adabor ES, Acquaah-Mensah GK. (2019) Restricted-derestricted dynamic Bayesian Network inference of transcriptional regulatory relationships among genes in cancer. Computational Biology and Chemistry. 79: 155-164
Acquaah-Mensah GK, Taylor RC. (2016) Brain in situ Hybridization Maps as a Source for Reverse-Engineering Transcriptional Regulatory Networks: Alzheimer's disease Insights. Gene
Taylor R, Acquaah-Mensah G. (2016) Regulatory network inference: use of whole brain vs brain region-specific gene expression data in the mouse F1000research. 5
Acquaah-Mensah GK, Agu N, Khan T, et al. (2015) A regulatory role for the insulin- and BDNF-linked RORA in the hippocampus: implications for Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease : Jad. 44: 827-38
Adabor ES, Acquaah-Mensah GK, Oduro FT. (2015) SAGA: a hybrid search algorithm for Bayesian Network structure learning of transcriptional regulatory networks. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 53: 27-35
Adabor ES, Acquaah-Mensah GK, Oduro FT. (2014) Inferring Transcriptional Regulatory Relationships Among Genes in Breast Cancer: An Application of Bayes' Theorem International Journal of Statistics and Probability. 3
Acquaah-Mensah GK, Malhotra D, Vulimiri M, et al. (2012) Suppressed expression of T-box transcription factors is involved in senescence in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Plos Computational Biology. 8: e1002597
Acquaah-Mensah GK, Taylor RC, Bhave SV. (2012) PACAP interactions in the mouse brain: implications for behavioral and other disorders. Gene. 491: 224-31
Acquaah-Mensah G, Taylor R. (2012) PACAPergic signaling: insights generated from Bayesian network structure learning algorithmic analysis of mouse brain gene expression data F1000research. 3
Taylor RC, Acquaah-Mensah G, Singhal M, et al. (2008) Network inference algorithms elucidate Nrf2 regulation of mouse lung oxidative stress. Plos Computational Biology. 4: e1000166
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