Spencer R. Wetter, Ph.D.

2003 University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University 
olfactory perception, taste perception, aging
"Spencer Wetter"
Mean distance: 17.71 (cluster 30)


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Claire Murphy grad student 2003 University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University
 (Olfactory psychophysics and electrophysiology in Huntington's disease.)
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Jacobson MW, Delis DC, Peavy GM, et al. (2009) The emergence of cognitive discrepancies in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: a six-year case study. Neurocase. 15: 278-93
Fine EM, Delis DC, Wetter SR, et al. (2008) Cognitive discrepancies versus APOE genotype as predictors of cognitive decline in normal-functioning elderly individuals: a longitudinal study. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry : Official Journal of the American Association For Geriatric Psychiatry. 16: 366-74
Fine EM, Delis DC, Wetter SR, et al. (2008) Identifying the "source" of recognition memory deficits in patients with Huntington's disease or Alzheimer's disease: evidence from the CVLT-II. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 30: 463-70
Pirogovsky E, Gilbert PE, Jacobson M, et al. (2007) Impairments in source memory for olfactory and visual stimuli in preclinical and clinical stages of Huntington's disease. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 29: 395-404
Delis DC, Wetter SR. (2007) Cogniform Disorder and Cogniform Condition: proposed diagnoses for excessive cognitive symptoms. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology : the Official Journal of the National Academy of Neuropsychologists. 22: 589-604
Wetter SR, Delis DC, Houston WS, et al. (2006) Heterogeneity in verbal memory: a marker of preclinical Alzheimer's disease? Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition. 13: 503-15
Jacobson MW, Delis DC, Lansing A, et al. (2005) Asymmetries in global-local processing ability in elderly people with the apolipoprotein e-epsilon4 allele. Neuropsychology. 19: 822-9
Delis DC, Wetter SR, Jacobson MW, et al. (2005) Recall discriminability: utility of a new CVLT-II measure in the differential diagnosis of dementia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : Jins. 11: 708-15
Wetter SR, Delis DC, Houston WS, et al. (2005) Deficits in inhibition and flexibility are associated with the APOE-E4 allele in nondemented older adults. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 27: 943-52
Wetter S, Peavy G, Jacobson M, et al. (2005) Olfactory and auditory event-related potentials in Huntington's disease. Neuropsychology. 19: 428-36
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