Thiago C Moulin, Ph.D.

2010-2018 Instituto de Bioquímica Médica Leopoldo de Meis Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 
 2018-2021 Department of Neuroscience Uppsala University, Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sweden 
 2021-2024 Department of Experimental Medical Science Lund University, Lund, Skåne län, Sweden 
 2024- Department of Neuroscience University of Copenhagen, København, Denmark 
"Thiago Moulin"
Mean distance: 19.8 (cluster 39)
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Schiöth HB, Donzelli L, Arvidsson N, et al. (2023) Evidence for Prepulse Inhibition of Visually Evoked Motor Response in . Biology. 12
Moulin TC, Stojanovic T, Rajesh RP, et al. (2023) Effects of Transient Administration of the NMDA Receptor Antagonist MK-801 in Activity, Sleep, and Negative Geotaxis. Biomedicines. 11
Moulin TC, Dey S, Dashi G, et al. (2022) A simple high-throughput method for automated detection of Drosophila melanogaster light-dependent behaviours. Bmc Biology. 20: 283
Al-Sabri MH, Behare N, Alsehli AM, et al. (2022) Statins Induce Locomotion and Muscular Phenotypes in That Are Reminiscent of Human Myopathy: Evidence for the Role of the Chloride Channel Inhibition in the Muscular Phenotypes. Cells. 11
Williams MJ, Alsehli AM, Gartner SN, et al. (2022) The Statin Target Hmgcr Regulates Energy Metabolism and Food Intake through Central Mechanisms. Cells. 11
Moulin TC, Rayêe D, Schiöth HB. (2022) Dendritic spine density changes and homeostatic synaptic scaling: a meta-analysis of animal studies. Neural Regeneration Research. 17: 20-24
Amorim FE, Chapot RL, Moulin TC, et al. (2021) Memory destabilization during reconsolidation: a consequence of homeostatic plasticity? Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 28: 371-389
Johansson A, Mohamed MS, Moulin TC, et al. (2021) Neurological manifestations of COVID-19: A comprehensive literature review and discussion of mechanisms. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 358: 577658
Moulin TC, Ferro F, Hoyer A, et al. (2021) The Levodopa-Induced Depression Model Exhibits Negative Geotaxis Deficits and Differential Gene Expression in Males and Females. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 15: 653470
Affatato O, Moulin TC, Pisanu C, et al. (2021) High efficacy of onabotulinumtoxinA treatment in patients with comorbid migraine and depression: a meta-analysis. Journal of Translational Medicine. 19: 133
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