Jeff Sanderson

York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
"Jeff Sanderson"
Mean distance: 15.39 (cluster 29)
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Haji-Khamneh B, Dyde RT, Sanderson J, et al. (2010) How long does it take for the visual environment to influence the perceptual upright? Journal of Vision. 8: 651-651
Balaban DY, Barnett-Cowan M, Sanderson J, et al. (2010) Blood pressure response to roll depends on both visual and non-visual factors Journal of Vision. 8: 1064-1064
Jenkin H, Barnett-Cowan M, Dyde R, et al. (2010) Left/right asymmetries in the contribution of body orientation to the perceptual upright Journal of Vision. 8: 1062-1062
Sanderson J, Oman CM, Harris LR. (2007) Measurement of oscillopsia induced by vestibular Coriolis stimulation. Journal of Vestibular Research : Equilibrium & Orientation. 17: 289-99
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