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Michael Anthony Crognale

University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV, United States 
Vision, Human factors
"Michael Crognale"

Dept. of Psychology /296 Phone: (775) 782-8690 (work) Citizenship: U.S.A.
University of Nevada, Reno (775) 746-4774 (home) FAX (775) 784-1126 Reno, NV 89557 e-mail:;
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Present Positions
Professor- Department of Psychology and Programs in Biomedical Engineering, University of Nevada at Reno, Reno, NV.
Owner/Manager -SeeAero Ltd., a vision and aviation consulting business.
B.A .- 1982, Psychology, University of California, San Diego
Ph.D.- 1989, Biological Psychology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Experience
1998- Present Associate Professor, University of Nevada, Reno, Dept. of Psychology and the Biomedical Engineering Program
Human Learning in Aviation-Measurements of the efficacy of scenario based learning for pilot decision making.
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Mean distance: 16.2 (cluster 29)
BETA: Related publications


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Gao Y, Miller KN, Webster MA, et al. (2024) Time course and neural locus of the Flashed Face Distortion Effect. Vision Research. 224: 108492
Arthur C, Kavcar OB, Wise MV, et al. (2023) Poster Session II: Attentional modulation of the achromatic and chromatic reversal VEP. Journal of Vision. 23: 48
Richardson AJ, Lee KR, Crognale MA, et al. (2023) Using equiluminance settings to estimate the cardinal chromatic directions for individuals. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 40: A169-A177
Vanston JE, Tregillus KEM, Webster MA, et al. (2021) Task-dependent contrast gain in anomalous trichromats. Vision Research. 184: 14-22
Lee KR, Richardson AJ, Walowit E, et al. (2020) Predicting color matches from luminance matches. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 37: A35-A43
Ijekah R, Vanston JE, Crognale MA. (2019) Mechanisms contributing to increment threshold and decrement threshold spectral sensitivities. Vision Research. 158: 157-163
Ijekah RJ, O’Neil SF, Vanston JE, et al. (2019) Comparing Increment and Decrement Threshold Spectral Sensitivities in Short Wavelength Spectra Journal of Vision. 19: 77
Vanston JE, Crognale MA. (2019) Multivariate classification of visual evoked potentials Journal of Vision. 19: 63
Richardson AJ, Lee KR, Walowit E, et al. (2019) Minimum (motion) measurements of human color matching functions Journal of Vision. 19: 71b
Vanston JE, Crognale MA. (2018) Effects of eccentricity on color contrast. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 35: B122-B129
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