Marla Mickleborough, Ph.D.

University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada 
"Marla Mickleborough"
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Andrushko JW, Gould L, Renshaw DW, et al. (2021) Ipsilesional Motor Cortex Activation with High-force Unimanual Handgrip Contractions of the Less-affected Limb in Participants with Stroke. Neuroscience
Neudorf J, Gould L, Mickleborough MJS, et al. (2021) Unique, Shared, and Dominant Brain Activation in Visual Word Form Area and Lateral Occipital Complex during Reading and Picture Naming. Neuroscience
Neudorf J, Kress S, Gould L, et al. (2020) Language lateralization differences between left and right temporal lobe epilepsy as measured by overt word reading fMRI activation and DTI structural connectivity. Epilepsy & Behavior : E&B. 112: 107467
Hernandez-Ronquillo L, Miranzadeh Mahabadi H, Moien-Afshari F, et al. (2020) The Concept of an Epilepsy Brain Bank. Frontiers in Neurology. 11: 833
Ekstrand C, Neudorf J, Gould L, et al. (2018) Where words and space collide: The overlapping neural activation of lexical and sublexical reading with voluntary and reflexive spatial attention. Brain Research
Gould L, Ekstrand C, Fourney DR, et al. (2018) The Effect of Tumour Neovasculature on fMRI BOLD Activation. World Neurosurgery
Gould L, Mickleborough MJ, Lorentz E, et al. (2018) A behavioral and fMRI examination of the effect of rhythm on reading noun-verb homographs aloud Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. 33: 829-849
Gould L, Kelly ME, Mickleborough MJS, et al. (2017) Reorganized neural activation in motor cortex following subdural fluid collection: an fMRI and DTI study. Neurocase. 1-12
Ekstrand C, Neudorf J, Lorentz E, et al. (2017) More than a feeling: The bidirectional convergence of semantic visual object and somatosensory processing. Acta Psychologica. 181: 1-9
Gould L, Kelly M, Mickleborough M, et al. (2017) P.082 Neural Reorganization Following Compression of the Motor Cortex: An fMRI and DTI Case Report Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences / Journal Canadien Des Sciences Neurologiques. 44: S34-S34
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