Meike Linnenschmidt
Affiliations: | Neuroscience | Brown University, Providence, RI |
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Linnenschmidt M, Wiegrebe L. (2018) Ontogeny of auditory brainstem responses in the bat, Phyllostomus discolor. Hearing Research. 373: 85-95 |
Hom KN, Linnenschmidt M, Simmons JA, et al. (2016) Echolocation behavior in big brown bats is not impaired after intense broadband noise exposures. The Journal of Experimental Biology |
Kloepper LN, Linnenschmidt M, Blowers Z, et al. (2016) Estimating colony sizes of emerging bats using acoustic recordings. Royal Society Open Science. 3: 160022 |
Kloepper L, Linnenschmidt M. (2016) Signal characteristics and echolocation challenges of Mexican free-tailed bats during high-speed flight Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 140: 2973-2973 |
Wahlberg M, Linnenschmidt M, Madsen PT, et al. (2015) The acoustic world of harbor porpoises American Scientist. 103: 46-53 |
Linnenschmidt M, Wahlberg M, Damsgaard Hansen J. (2013) The modulation rate transfer function of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 199: 115-26 |
Linnenschmidt M, Teilmann J, Akamatsu T, et al. (2013) Biosonar, dive, and foraging activity of satellite tracked harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) Marine Mammal Science. 29: E77-E97 |
Linnenschmidt M, Kloepper LN, Wahlberg M, et al. (2012) Stereotypical rapid source level regulation in the harbour porpoise biosonar. Die Naturwissenschaften. 99: 767-71 |
Linnenschmidt M, Beedholm K, Wahlberg M, et al. (2012) Keeping returns optimal: gain control exerted through sensitivity adjustments in the harbour porpoise auditory system. Proceedings. Biological Sciences / the Royal Society. 279: 2237-45 |
Pacini AF, Nachtigall PE, Kloepper LN, et al. (2010) Audiogram of a formerly stranded long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) measured using auditory evoked potentials Journal of Experimental Biology. 213: 3138-3143 |