Julius Benjamin Richmond

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Julius Richmond"

Julius Benjamin Richmond, (September 26, 1916 – July 27, 2008) served as the United States Surgeon General and the United States Assistant Secretary for Health during the Carter Administration, from 1977 to 1981. He held the rank of Vice Admiral in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps while serving in those positions. He was also noted for his role in creating the Head Start program for disadvantaged children, serving as its first national director.

Mean distance: 17.75 (cluster 26)
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Richmond JB, Harper G. (1996) Child and adolescent psychiatry: toward the twenty-first century. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 4: 61-6
Richmond JB, Wise PH. (1986) Midwifery and medicine in America. The struggle for justice in infant health. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery. 31: 219-23
Honig AS, Caldwell BM, Richmond JB. (1986) Infancy Intervention: Historical perspectives Early Child Development and Care. 26: 89-93
Wise PH, Richmond JB. (1985) 602 The Effect Of Prenatal Care Upon Birth Weight Specific Outcome Pediatric Research. 19: 211-211
Begg NC, Richmond JB. (1974) A partnership: child care in a New Zealand suburb. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 10: 42-46
Richmond JB. (1971) To foster early child development and care Early Child Development and Care. 1: 1-2
Stern GG, Caldwell BM, Hersher L, et al. (1969) A factor analytic study of the mother-infant dyad. Child Development. 40: 163-81
Richmond JB, Caldwell BM. (1966) Earle L. Lipton: March 4, 1926--August 24, 1965. Child Development. 37: 229-31
Lipton EL, Steinschneider A, Richmond JB. (1966) Autonomic Function In The Neonate: Vii. Maturational Changes In Cardiac Control Child Development. 37: 1-16
Richmond JB, Caldwell BM. (1966) The effectiveness of a day-care program for disadvantaged infants and young children—results after one year The Journal of Pediatrics. 69: 885-886
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