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Christian Sardet, PhD, University of California Berkeley 1973

Laboratoire de Biologie du Developpement Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Rennes, Bretagne, France 
reproduction, fertilization and development of marine invertebrates (ascidians, ctenophores, urchins
"Christian Sardet"

(See link above.)

Mean distance: 15.62 (cluster 28)


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Rosemary Ostwald grad student 1969-1973 UC Berkeley
David Epel research scientist 1983-1983 Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University
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Zimmerberg J, Sardet C, Epel D. (1985) Exocytosis of sea urchin egg cortical vesicles in vitro is retarded by hyperosmotic sucrose: kinetics of fusion monitored by quantitative light-scattering microscopy. The Journal of Cell Biology. 101: 2398-410
Sardet C, Hansma H, Ostwald R. (1972) Effects of plasma lipoproteins from control and cholesterol-fed guinea pigs on red cell morphology and cholesterol content: an in vitro study. Journal of Lipid Research. 13: 705-15
Sardet C, Hansma H, Ostwald R. (1972) Characterization of guinea pig plasma lipoproteins: the appearance of new lipoproteins in response to dietary cholesterol. Journal of Lipid Research. 13: 624-39
Puppione DL, Sardet C, Yamanaka W, et al. (1971) Plasma lipoproteins of cholesterol-fed guinea pigs. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 231: 295-301
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