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Jerome Y. Lettvin

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Jerome Lettvin"
Mean distance: 13.52 (cluster 17)


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Warren S. McCulloch grad student
 (at Illinois Neuropsychiatric Institute)


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Joel E. Brown grad student MIT
Robert C. Gesteland grad student MIT
Arthur C. Grant grad student MIT
Eric A. Newman grad student MIT
Stephen A. Raymond grad student MIT
William M. Saidel grad student MIT
John I. Simpson grad student MIT
Susan B. Udin grad student MIT
Karl Kornacker grad student 1962 MIT
Richard E. Greenblatt grad student 1966-1974 MIT
Edward R. Gruberg post-doc MIT


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Manfred Fahle collaborator MIT
Walter Pitts collaborator
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King JG, Lettvin JY, Gruberg ED. (1999) Selective, unilateral, reversible loss of behavioral responses to looming stimuli after injection of tetrodotoxin of cadmium chloride into the frog optic nerve. Brain Research. 841: 20-6
Scalia F, Grant AC, Reyes M, et al. (1995) Functional properties of regenerated optic axons terminating in the primary olfactory cortex. Brain Research. 685: 187-97
Geiger G, Lettvin JY, Fahle M. (1994) Dyslexic children learn a new visual strategy for reading: a controlled experiment. Vision Research. 34: 1223-33
Grant AC, Lettvin JY. (1991) Sources of electrical transients in tectal neuropil of the frog, Rana pipiens. Brain Research. 560: 106-21
Saidel WM, Lettvin JY, MacNichol EF. (1983) Processing of polarized light by squid photoreceptors. Nature. 304: 534-6
Gruberg ER, Lettvin JY. (1980) Anatomy and physiology of a binocular system in the frog Rana pipiens. Brain Research. 192: 313-25
Newman EA, Lettvin JY. (1978) Relation of the epsilon-wave to ganglion cell activity and rod responses in the frog. Vision Research. 18: 1181-8
Chung SH, Lettvin JY, Raymond SA. (1974) Proceedings: The CLOOGE: a simple device for interspike interval analysis. The Journal of Physiology. 239: 63P-66P
Chung SH, Raymond SA, Lettvin JY. (1970) Multiple meaning in single visual units. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 3: 72-101
Chung S, Raymond S, Lettvin J. (1970) Multiple Meaning in Single Visual Units (Part 2 of 2) Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 3: 87-101
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