Robertas Damasevicius

Kaunas University of Technology 
Computer science; software engineering
"Robertas Damasevicius"
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Zhang M, Jing W, Lin J, et al. (2020) NAS-HRIS: Automatic Design and Architecture Search of Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 20
Sahlol AT, Elaziz MEA, Jamal AT, et al. (2020) A Novel Method for Detection of Tuberculosis in Chest Radiographs Using Artificial Ecosystem-Based Optimisation of Deep Neural Network Features Symmetry. 12: 1146
Bai Z, Li Y, Chen X, et al. (2020) Real-Time Video Stitching for Mine Surveillance Using a Hybrid Image Registration Method Electronics. 9: 1336
Chouhan V, Singh SK, Khamparia A, et al. (2020) A Novel Transfer Learning Based Approach for Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-ray Images Applied Sciences. 10: 559
Li J, Qi Y, Wei W, et al. (2020) dCCPI-predictor: A state-aware approach for effectively predicting cross-core performance interference Future Generation Computer Systems. 105: 184-195
Orujov F, Maskeliūnas R, Damaševičius R, et al. (2020) Fuzzy based image edge detection algorithm for blood vessel detection in retinal images Applied Soft Computing. 94: 106452
Žemgulys J, Raudonis V, Maskeliūnas R, et al. (2020) Recognition of basketball referee signals from real-time videos Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 11: 979-991
Kumari M, Misra A, Misra S, et al. (2019) Quantitative Quality Evaluation of Software Products by Considering Summary and Comments Entropy of a Reported Bug. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 21
Zhou B, Duan X, Ye D, et al. (2019) Multi-Level Features Extraction for Discontinuous Target Tracking in Remote Sensing Image Monitoring. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 19
Kulikajevas A, Maskeliūnas R, Damaševičius R, et al. (2019) Reconstruction of 3D Object Shape Using Hybrid Modular Neural Network Architecture Trained on 3D Models from Dataset. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 19
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